It’s also known as human herpes virus, and it belongs to herpes family. Most of the people get infected from EBV and it found all over. It spreads through human body fluids mainly saliva and if you share some personal items such as utensils, toothbrushes of a person who is infected with EBV.
The most common disease caused by the virus is mononucleosis which is also known as “kissing disease” because it spread very fast from one person to other. It is seen many people having this virus didn’t fall sick for long time it may also take time in showing its symptoms almost 4-6 weeks.
The symptoms of this virus are fatigue, fever, lack of appetite, rashes, swollen glands, weakness, and soreness of muscles.
For most of the individuals it lies dormant as a sleeping giant. It gets triggered due to any stressful condition and can lead to extreme fatigue also known as reactivated Epstein Barr virus also leads to consequent weakening of cellular stays inactive in our body unless it’s reactivated by a trigger. It was commonly seen there was subsequent reactivation of EBV during Covid 19 infection as it was the result of COVID 19 inflammation induced EBV reactivation. Once you have contracted EBV, the virus remains inactive within your body for the rest of your life. This is known as latency. There can also be reactivation of EBV and can cause recurrent bouts throughout the life. T-Lymphocytes are the cells that keeps the virus in check. As long as a person is healthy, his immune system is able to keep EBV in a dormant phase. If immune system gets weaker due to any reason such as stressors, toxins, hormonal imbalances such as menopause, other infections, immunosuppressive drugs, these can cause the virus to come out. During this time, EBV attacks B- lymphocytes- which are another white blood cells.
TEST DONE FOR EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) :
1. Viral capsid antigen (VCA)
Anti-VCA IgM: it appears in early EBV infection and its seen if treated on time usually disappears within 4-6 weeks.
Anti-VCA IgG: It appears in the acute phase of EBV infection, it usually peaks at 2-4 weeks after onset, it decline’s slightly then persists for the rest of a person’s life.
2. Early antigen (EA):
Anti-EA IgG: it appears in the acute phase of illness and generally falls to undetectable levels after 3-6 months. In most of the people, detection of antibody to EA is a sign of active infection. However, most healthy people may have antibodies against EA for years.
Epstein Barr Virus Diagnosis:
It’s always difficult to diagnose the symptoms of EBV as they can also be the signs of other illnesses like the flu or a cold. Functional Medicine Doctor will examine the symptoms and may also feel the need to get some more blood tests.
One test is for antibodies, substances your immune system makes in response to EBV virus. Another test is for type of white blood cells your body uses to fight off EBV infection.
Epstein Barr Virus Treatment:
This can also be treated with antibiotics but other than this:
Take plenty of rest
Keep yourself hydrated
Immune system support via supplements, vitamins, and minerals.
Reducing stress and improving lifestyle
Improving digestive health and maintaining healthy gut flora.